First Name
Last Name
Are you 18 years or older?
Do you have health insurance that will cover you during the time you plan on working at Mission of Mary?
Present Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Permanent Address (if different than above)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Name of School
List the ideal start and end date of your internship
Minimum of two-month commitment please: 2021 Season spans from March until December for Farming, Community Programing, and Restoration internship tracks.
Take a look at our internship tracks. Please rank your interest from 1st choice to 3rd choice. Also provide a written paragraph explaining why you ranked as you did.
• Community Programming Track—includes tasks supporting Community Events, Backyard & Community Garden Program, Educational Workshops, Volunteer Work Days, Educational Tours and Field Trips, Kids’ Day Camp in July, and more.
• Farming and Food Distribution Track—includes extensive tasks and training about urban agriculture practices and techniques, field work, efficient harvest and washing techniques, crop planning, staffing farmer’s markets, retail sales, CSA membership program, and more.
• Non-Profit Administration Track—includes working closely with our executive director and other staff on agency visioning, data and technology promotional activities, donor relations, and event planning.
• Restoration and Land Stewardship Track—includes working to maintain and ecologically restore the urban land that we own and care for in our neighborhood. This would include learning about habitat creation, ecological services, edible landscaping, permaculture.
• Graphic Design Internship Track—Mission of Mary Cooperative is pleased to offer the first graphic design internship. We are looking for an intern that is passionate about food justice, community, sustainability, urban farming, Dayton, and the Marianist charism. We are looking for a graphic design major, sophomore and above. Interns will work on marketing and design for MMC as a whole and also specifically with the farm team.
First Choice
Community Programing
Farming and Food Distribution
Non-Profit Administration
Restoration and Land Stewardship
Graphic Design Internship
Second Choice
Community Programing
Farming and Food Distribution
Non-Profit Administration
Restoration and Land Stewardship
Graphic Design Internship
Third Choice
Community Programing
Farming and Food Distribution
Non-Profit Administration
Restoration and Land Stewardship
Graphic Design Internship
What interests you about the internship position you selected?
What experiences do you have relevant to your chosen internship track?
What personal attributes do you have that will help you in this position?
What do you personally hope to gain or experience by working with us at Mission of Mary?
Do you have any physical limitations or differences that we would need to know to help accommodate you in this work?
What activities, if any, would you be committed to or involved with outside of the internship position during your time here?
i.e. taking summer classes, working another part-time job, etc.
How many hours per week are you hoping to commit to this internship?
i.e. mornings preferred over afternoons, or weekends preferred over weekdays etc.
Do you have preferred times or days for your internship hours?
How did you first hear about Mission of Mary; have you visited in the past?
How familiar are you with the Marianist Charism and tenants of Catholic Social Teaching?
Is there any other information you would like us to know about you?
How did you hear about us and the internship?
Are you interested in the Notre Dame Mission Volunteer AmeriCorps position?